Recently Spacelogic completed a very successful STERIRACK® System installation at brand new Macksville Hospital on the Mid North Coast NSW.
“This job is particularly notable because of the fast delivery time – just two weeks from order to initial delivery,” said Lloyd Scott, Managing Director at Spacelogic.
“Spacelogic completed the design, and provided the supply and installation of clean utilities, resus bays, pharmacy shelving systems, anesthetic bays and theater storerooms on time and on budget to a very happy client,” he said.

The NSW Government committed $73 million to the new Macksville Hospital development.
The Macksville’s community has a set of unique health challenges, including chronic illness and complex health needs due to its significant aged and Aboriginal population.
The project will enhance patient care while also improving ambulatory care and outpatient treatments including improved facilities in emergency, community health, operating theaters, maternity and inpatient units.
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